Need to setup a giving kiosk? Giving kiosks are a great way to enable constituents to give electronically when they are present. It is a quick and secure solution. The BlueFire solution uses an iPad with a credit card swiper all mounted in a robust stand.
First, you’ll need the following items:
- An iPad!
- An iPad stand (we really like these stands)
- A credit card swiper (here’s a link to purchase one)
Now that you have got your hardware assembled, time to get the software working for you:
- Install the BlueFire mobile app (download here)
- Connect the BlueFire mobile app to a form on your account (you will need to get the RID for a form and plug it into the app — you’ll find the RID displayed just below each form)
- Optional: Setup “Guided Access Mode” on the iPad (more info here). With this iOS feature enabled you can prevent users from exiting the BlueFire app and using the iPad for other things, like playing games or surfing the net.
And that’s all you need to have a giving kiosk setup and ready for donors.